

分类: 影视英语 

1. I'll take him down big time. 我要让斗牛士输得彻底。

2. What a wimp. 你个胆小鬼。

3. Nah, this is way more fun. 不,还有更好玩的。

4. That matador doesn't stand a chance, okay? 斗牛士不可能赢我的好吗?

5. Music to my ears. 这才像话嘛。

6. I'll hold them off. 我拖住他们。

7. Hey, I'm not done with you people. 嘿,别走,我跟你们没完。

8. All right, let's do it old school. 那好,那还是用老办法。

9. Don't fall for it, Ferd. 可别上当了,费迪南。

10. Spoiler alert! 剧透警报!

11. I'm so sorry to kill the mood. 非常抱歉破坏气氛。

12. Check out my boy cutting a rug. 瞧瞧我哥们,舞跳得真不赖啊。

13. I think they got a point. 我认为他们说的有道理。

