
George Bush's Love Doctors

分类: 英语笑话 
George W. Bush's wonderful gaffes and mangling of the English language has made him one of the most quoted US presidents in history, and launched a whole new generation of quotation books.

Here is one of his latest - and will surely rank as one of the greatest - Bushisms. It was spoken at a rally in Poplar Bluff in Missouri on September 6, 2004. He was referring to the issue of frivolous lawsuits running up the cost of health care, which he claims are driving obstetricians and gynecologists out of business.

"We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their" - there is a pregnant pause, as he gropes for the right word - "their love, with women all across the country."

American women are probably very relieved that these kind of 'love doctors' are being put out of business.

