
Joke: School Girl Job

分类: 英语笑话 
Mr. Brown the old history teacher had a dirty mouth. He was always saying something off color or suggestive. One day after class, Sally approaches his desk with a flock of girls in tow. "Mr. Brown," she said, "We are tired of your filthy remarks and we aren't going to put up with in anymore! The next time you say something nasty in class, we are all going to complain to the principal." Mr. Brown was silent and the girls stormed off thinking they had cowed him. The next day as everyone arrives in class, Mr. Brown is reading the newspaper. The bell rings, but he continues to read. Finally, he looks up and says, "Oh girls, you should find this interesting. The government is recruiting whores to go to Afghanistan and screw the servicemen over there for $100 a day." All at once the girls get up and head for the door. "Wait a minute!" shouted Mr. Brown. "The boat doesn't leave till Thursday!"

