
Joke: Immorality

分类: 英语笑话 
The Catholic priest in a small town had become very
perturbed, and he decided to lay it on the line to
the congregation.

"Brothers and sisters," he said solemnly. "It has come
to my attention that immorality is rampant in our fair
town. To be specific, it is being said there is not
one virgin left. This vile lie must and shall be refuted.
In order to do so, I ask every virgin in the congregation
to rise."

Not a woman stirred.

"I understand the modesty that would make a young lady
hesitate to announce her condition publicly," the priest
intoned. "But it is necessary to do so. Young women, I
ask those who are truly virgins to rise."

And still not a woman stirred.

Wrath now moved the priest. "Will you, for the fear of
experiencing a small shame, incur a great one? I ask you
in the name of Mother Mary herself. Let all virgins stand!"

And as his thunderous tones died away, a young lady, far
in the rear, with a baby in her arms, rose bashfully.

The preacher stared with astonishment at her. "Young woman,
I have asked for virgins to stand."

"Father," the young lady answered indignantly, "do you
really expect this six-month-old child to stand by herself?"

