
A Coach and His Players

分类: 英语笑话 
I was the new coach of a Little League baseball team and had not yet learned the names of my players. At our first game, I called each boy by the number on his uniform. When I yelled,"Number5, your time to bat, " Jeff Smith came to the plate to hit. When I called for "Number 7", Steve Heinz jumped up. Then I asked for "Number 1", and no one emerged from the dugout. Again I called for Number 1. Still no one. As the umpire looked on, annoyed at this delay of the game, I shouted, "Who is Number 1?"  That's when the whole team yelled, "We are, Coach! We are!  Notes:  (1) coach n.教练  (2) baseball n.棒球  (3) bat v.(用棒)击         (4) plate n.(棒球)本垒  (5) emerge v.出现  (6) dugout n.隐蔽壕  (7) umpire n.裁判员  Exercises:  请回答下列问题:  ① Why didn't the coach know the names of his players?  ② How did the coach call the boys since he didn't know their names?  ③ Who was number five?  ④ Why did the coach get annoyed?  ⑤ How did the players interpret "Number I"?  87.教练与他的队员  我初到一小团体棒球队作教练,还不知道队员的名字。在第一次比赛中,我按照每一名队员球衣的号数来指挥。当我大声喊到:“5号,你该击球了。”杰夫·史密斯到本垒击球。当我叫到“7号”时,史迪夫·汉斯就跳起来。然后我叫到“1号”,却没人从隐蔽壕里跳出来。我又叫了一遍1号。还是没人跳出来。  因为裁判在旁观看,我很生气这支球队的懒散,大声吼道:“谁是1号(第一)?”  这时全体队员大喊道;“是我们,教练!我们是!”  练习参考答案:      ① Because he was the new coach.   ② He called each boy by the number on his uniform.     ③ Jeff Smith.   ④ Because no one responded to his call, and the umpire looked on.   ⑤ The best team

