
匹配度比较高的星座 下

分类: 星座英语  时间: 2023-12-05 16:30:39 

8. Cancer and Pisces

Both water signs - these two have a natural spiritual connection. The Pisces will easily ensure harmony, and these signs are highly intuitive about each other. They're both deeply sentimental and tender, with a focus on nurturing and not hurting the other. And since a relationship's #1 need is nurturing…they're probably going to last!

9. Leo and Sagittarius

Both of these signs are optimistic and generous - as well as liking to party! Both are a little impulsive, but who doesn't want a little adventure in their relationship? Leo's can be a little stubborn, and their Sagittarius will help them find solutions they might not see. The Sagitarrius will absolutely love how confident the Leo is, and appreciate their lack of jealousy.

10. Virgo and Capricorn

The Virgo is thoughtful and quiet - vulnerable, but they try to hide it. They're hard to read but it's like unlocking a code - once you're in, you're in forever. The Capricorn will pull the Virgo from their shell - they're not scared of that mysterious and guarded nature. Once that Virgo opens up, the Capricorn will be magnetized towards them even more.

11. Leo and Gemini

This vivacious duo both love adventure! The Leo put a value on loyalty and being a strong partner, while the Gemini is kindhearted and focuses on making the other feel loved. They appreciate the Leo's hard-headed personality and find it endearing.

12. Aquarius and Gemini

These two air signs will hum together in life, through the ups and downs. Geminis just adore ideas, and the creative Aquarius is chock full of them! Both of these signs enjoy their independence, so they understand each other's needs, and no one will be clingy. Gemini keeps it fresh and Aquarius keeps it steady.

13. Scorpio and Leo

This can be a kind of intense relationship - the Scorpio can be challenging and jealous, with a sharp tongue. But the Leo will feed off that passion, and love the other's lust. They're both very loyal, but also very determined, so if they can work through forgiveness, the fireworks in this relationship will be more explosive than a Nicholas Sparks film.

14. Gemini and Libra

These two air signs have an intellectual relationship as well as a sexually voracious one. The relationship will be fresh and fast moving with these energetic and social signs. They both appreciate beauty (for Libra, in art, and for Gemini, in ideas). The Libra, who prizes harmony above all us, won't entertain the Gemini's love of arguing, creating tranquility.

