

分类: 趣味英语 


The size of your pores is due to three different factors: skin type, genetics and age.

The type of skin you have, whether it be oily or dry, plays a role in their appearance. Women with naturally oily skin tend to have larger pores than those with dry skin. Pores located in your "t-zone" (forehead, nose, chin) tend to be the most noticeable. Like other physical traits, genetics also contributes to the size of your pores. Lastly, pores generally become larger in size as you age.

Your skin care routine also plays an important role. While it is virtually impossible to actually shrink the size of your pores permanently, you can absolutely lessen their overall appearance. Here are ways to obtain smooth, radiant skin.

A good daily cleansing habit, aimed at removing dead skin cells, will reduce the overall look of your pores and tighten your complexion. One way you can dramatically help lessen the appearance of your pores is to start an exfoliatingskin routine. This is simple to do at home and inexpensive. When washing your face, consider using a daily cleansing cream that contains micro-beads. Microbeads act as a gentle way to exfoliate. Unlike scrubs of the past, which tended to be a bit harsher, these are designed so that they will not irritate most skin. After cleansing, follow with a toner. Clean, taut pores appear much smaller than pores that are clogged with oil (sebum) and make up.
良好的日常清洁习惯,包括定期除死皮的工作都有助于缩小毛孔和改善肤色。最简单有效的方法,就是去角质。这个办法简单可行,在家就可以实施,而且花费不多。在买洗面奶的时候,注意买含洁面微珠的那种。微珠是去角质的温和方法,与磨砂的强效清洁不同,微珠的设计不会划伤大部分的皮肤类型。在洁面后,用一点化妆水做进一步清洁和收敛,这是有效收小毛孔的第一步。 【美丽心得】毛孔收缩大作战

3. 多喝水

Drinking a lot of water also keeps pores at their best. Water flushes toxins from your skin. Again, skin that is alleviated of impurities will be much smoother and luminous.

4. 试试医学美容法

Microdermabrasion is also a wonderful way to keep pores looking smaller. This technique is a much deeper exfoliation than what is used in a daily cleansing cream. There are now microdermabrasion kits you can use at home or you can elect to have this done at a spa. Your skin will be deeply cleaned and the surface rejuvenated. Usually a strong facial scrub is rubbed into the skin in a circular motion paying extra attention to trouble spots where pores are more congested with oils and blackheads.
微晶磨削法是一种简单的医用整形术。它打磨皮肤的程度远远高于日常我们在家里做的去死皮法。如今这项方法已经发明了家用的仪器,或者你也可以上美容院去做。你的皮肤能在术后得到深层清洁,皮肤表面也会新生。但要注意的是,在术后一定要保证防晒。因为这是的皮肤脆弱,如不注意可能会导致毛孔更加粗大,并生黑头。   更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

5.  随身带吸油纸

Lastly, as you go about your day, your pores will look their smallest if you keep your skin as shine free as possible. This can be easily done with blotting paper. Blotting paper is sold in a small packet that you can keep in your purse.

If you notice shine in your t-zone, you simply dab the area with a blotting paper and oil is lifted off your skin. Best of all, because you are lightly blotting--and not rubbing-- you make up is not disturbed. They are a wonderful, inexpensive way to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh!


