
The Ballet-dancing Grandpa

分类: 趣味英语 


The Ballet-dancing Grandpa

当你老了,去疗养院不失为一个“安全”的选择,但其实你更需要的是温暖以及爱。随着全球面临日趋严重的老龄化问题,我们有必要反思一下当下的“老龄产业”——或许是未来的朝阳产业——想想该如何尽己所能让人们的老年生活过得更有意义、更有盼头!我们都会渐渐老去,但在我看来,  “老有所为,老有所乐”才是“优雅”地老去!    -Maisie


John Lowe, a war veteran, is about to perform on stage as the world's oldest ballet dancer.

At the 1)grand old age of 90, John Lowe will join dancers from the 2)Lantern Dance Theatre Company—who are more than half his age for a performance of 3)Strauss's An Artist’s Life.

The Grandfather to 11, John Lowe, of 4)Witchford, only 5)took up ballet having watched his daughter, Alison, become a professional dancer when he was 79. And at the age of 88, he 6)starred in his first ballet production—performing as the woodcutter in 7)Prokofiev's The Stone Flower.

John Lowe, who fought in Malaysia and India in the Second World War before being captured by the Japanese, said he loves performing on stage.

The Ballet-dancing Grandpa





"Dancing is the most amazing feeling and you come home mentally uplifted after listening to all this brilliant music. It's fantastic exercise too," the retired art teacher said. "I think it's a wonderful thing to do and I can’t understand why more men don't do it. There's nothing 8)effeminate about it—you have to be incredibly fit to dance. I see these people crawling around, 9)hunched over smoking a cigarette—they should be doing ballet."

To maintain his fitness, Mr Lowe has even installed a 10)trapeze on his living room ceiling and hangs from it each morning to increase his muscle power. He also practices three times a week in 11)Ely's Chequer Studio, as well as perfecting his 12)pirouettes and 13)pliés each day at his home. His home also 14)boasts a ballet 15)bar where he 16)hones his knee-bends and arm movements so he can 17)prime his body for the demands of dancing.

"It's a wonderful feeling. I had always wanted to dance and it's never too late to learn," he said. "I practise each day. I'm lucky that I don't have any problem with the 18)routines but that's because I exercise."

Always a lover of dance, he had used his love of the 19)theater to help him through his three years as a prisoner of the Japanese during the Second World War.

"I remember being in the prisoner of war camp, starving and doing hard labour, and thinking I might not make it. But look at me now. I love dance," Mr. Lowe said.

One of his dance teachers, Helen Pettitt, of the Chequer Studio, where Mr. Lowe has been training, said: "I am sure if things had been different he could have been a dancer. I have been amazed at his flexibility, and how strong he is. He doesn’t jump how he would like to but he dances in his own way and he is quite amazing."

The Ballet-dancing Grandpa


The Ballet-dancing Grandpa







Charin Yuthasastrkosol (2003 Guinness World Record Holder), who was born in 1930 in Thailand, is the world's oldest ballerina. She started dancing at the age of 47 and hasn't stopped since. Her dreams told her that she could do anything she put her mind to and soon she was performing samba(桑巴舞),  rumba(伦巴舞),  tango(探戈) and every kind of ballroom dancing(交际舞).  She also performs Thai classical dance, jazz(爵士舞), tap(踢踏舞) and has over 300 trophies(奖杯) to prove it. It has been said that Charin is a "WOMAN BORN TO DANCE." In 2005,at the age of 74, she performed in a charity event. assisting the Thai Temples with the proceeds(收益). Forever young, dreaming the future into reality she is an inspiration to all who are graced by her presence.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

主题电影推荐:UP 《飞屋环游记》

The Ballet-dancing Grandpa

剧情简介:该片讲述了一个78岁的老人Carl Fredricksen-生都梦想着能环游世界,但却一直未能如愿。当其所住房子面临拆迁之际,老卡尔作出决定,用无数五颜六色的气球带着房子一起离开,去实现妻子和他共同的梦想——到南美洲“天堂瀑布”去探险!让他没想到的是,他的“飞屋”褡乘



