
The Importance Of Good Clothing

分类: 趣味英语 


The Importance Of Good Clothing

The Importance Of Good Clothing

One of the strangest social or cultural phenomena since the Second World War is the change in criteria which people use to buy garments. For thousands of years before then, individuals wanted the best possible clothing that they could afford and one of the criteria that they used to judge each other was their dress sense or the quality of their clothing.

This all started changing in the Seventies when it became more important to not be seen wearing the same item too frequently, so it became more desirable to have five cheap shirts that would not last long than to have one top quality shirt that would last for years. How did this shift in principles come to pass?

The most obvious section to blame are the fashion designers (or their imitators) and the advertisers. People without much money to spend on clothes do not want to be seen in the same blue shirt on every other occasion, they would rather have several colours, but perhaps these people do not understand the difference in the quality.

The quality of one's clothing is vital as most women and about half as many men know. First impressions matter and bright and cheerful (but cheap) is not as impressive to those who are familiar with the difference as quality.

To those people who say that the person ought to matter more than the clothing, I would say 'Yes, in a perfect world. One day, but it is not the way it works now'. Why do individuals dress up for a date, and particularly the first date? Why do individuals dress up for an interview? and why do individuals dress up to go to court?

It is because clothing matters and first impressions matter and deep down, we all know it even though most of us wish that it did not count so much.

First of all, it is important to find a style that suits you. Then you should buy pieces of clothing that are good examples of that style. They will not be cheap, but is a Hell's Angel's leather jacket cheap? Absolutely not. Whatever niche you think you fit into or would like to fit into, buy the appropriate clothing to stand out for quality.

I am not saying that individuals have to dress appropriate to their age group, I am saying that people should dress appropriate to the upper echelons of their niche group. If you would like to be a Hell's Angel, get one of the best leather jackets and if you want to work in an office, get yourself a good suit. Just because you cannot see the difference between a cheap one and a decent one does not mean that your peers cannot as well.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

You just have so much scope to modify your physical appearance, but you can still create a big impression by wearing quality clothing like a decent overcoat, a decent suit, a good cardigan or a decent shirt. The people who know the difference will notice and it will not damage your prospects.
虽然你有很大的余地来修饰自己的外表, 但你仍然可以通过穿着得当来给人留下很深的印象,比如一件像样的外套、一套得体的西服、一件上好的羊毛衫或者一件优质衬衫。了解个中差异的人会注意到的,而且得体的穿着绝对不会毁了你的前程的。http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

