
Two Little Girls in Blue 两个蓝衣小姑娘

分类: 趣味英语 
Two Little Girls in Blue 两个蓝衣小姑娘  

Author: Mary Higgins Clark

List Price: $25.95

Pages: 336

Publisher:  Simon & Schuster

Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 1.0 inches

ISBN: 0743264908   


    | Book description |


Before leaving for a black-tie affair in New York City, Margaret and Steve Frawley celebrate the third birthday of their twin girls, Kathy and Kelly, with a party at their new home in Ridgefield, Conn. Later that night, when Margaret can't reach the babysitter, she contacts the Ridgefield police. The frantic couple return home to find the children missing and a ransom note demanding $8 million. Though the Frawleys meet all the conditions, only Kelly turns up in a car along with a dead driver and a suicide note saying that Kathy has died. But Kelly's telepathic messages from her sister keep telling her differently, and Margaret won't give up hope. Even the most skeptical law enforcement officers and the FBI, who pursue suspects from New York to Cape Cod, begin to believe Kelly is on to something. Clues from ordinary people lead to a riveting conclusion. Rivaling Clark's debut-Where Are the Children?-this suspense thriller is certain to send terror into the heart of any parent.

Margaret 和 Steve夫妇在庆祝完双胞胎女儿三岁生日之后,便去了纽约参加黑领带晚餐会。当他们返回家中时,警察却已经等候多时,并告知他们的双胞胎女儿失踪了,房间里还留下一张要求八百万赎金的纸条。尽管Steve答应了绑匪的种种要求并支付了赎金,却只有Kelly被发现藏在一间废弃餐馆后的汽车里。司机死于枪击,同时又留下了一张纸条,上面写着Kathy死了,尸体已经扔到大海里。


About the Author
Mary Higgins Clark, America's queen of suspense, and her daughter, bestselling author Carol Higgins Clark, have followed last year's bestselling Deck the Halls with a heartwarming tale that combines the charm of the classic movie it's Wonderful Life with unexpected menace.



