
Teacher Man 教书匠

分类: 趣味英语 
Teacher Man 教书匠  

Author: Frank McCourt

List Price:$15.000

Pages: 2727

Publisher: Scribner 

ISBN: 0743243781 


  |Book description|


In Teacher Man Frank turns his attention to the subject that he most often talks about in his lectures---teaching: why it's so important, why it's so undervalued. He describes his own coming of age, as a teacher, a storyteller and, ultimately, a writer. He is alternately humble and mischievous, down-trodden and rebellious. He instinctively identifies with the underdog; his sympathies lie more with students than administrators. It takes him almost fifty years to find his voice in the classroom, but what's clear in the thrilling pages of Teacher Man is that from the beginning he seized and held his students' attention by telling them memorable stories.

《教书匠》是Frank McCourt出版的回忆录系列中最好的一部。而迈克科特的前两部个人回忆录,一部曾获得普利策文学奖,另外一部曾被好莱坞搬上银幕。《教书匠》讲述了他在纽约各个区的职高、社区大学、小学、高中的教书经历。此书曾位居《纽约时报》排行榜的第一名。

About Author

Frank McCourt was born in 1930 in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents, grew up in Limerick, Ireland, and at the age of nineteen, returned to America. Surviving initially through a string of casual jobs, spending every spare minute reading books from the public library, Frank began a process of self-education and improvement which led, eventually, to a career as a high-school teacher.
Then in his sixties, Frank McCourt sat down and began writing about his past. The tales of his childhood that he had told many times to his classes at school and in the bars of New York soon took shape as the highly acclaimed memoir which is Angela's Ashes(1999). Published initially in America, it went straight into the bestseller lists and then crossed the Atlantic to take the bookshops by storm in his native Ireland, in the rest of Europe, and around the world.


