

分类: 趣味英语 

Today's Highlight in History:
On November 26th, 1942, the motion picture电影 "Casablanca," starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, had its world premiere初次公演 at the Hollywood Theater in New York.

On this date:
In 1832, public streetcar路面电车,有轨电车 service began in New York City. The fare: 12 and a-half cents.

In 1825, the first college social fraternity互助会,兄弟会, Kappa Alpha, was formed at Union College in Schenectady, New York.

In 1940, the half-million Jews of Warsaw, Poland, were forced by the Nazis to live within a walled有墙壁的 ghetto犹太人区.

In 1942, President Roosevelt ordered nationwide gasoline汽油 rationing定量供应, beginning December first.

In 1949, India adopted a constitution as a republic within the British Commonwealth.

In 1950, China entered the Korean conflict, launching a counter-offensive against soldiers from the United Nations, the US and South Korea.

In 1965, France launched its first satellite, sending a 92-pound capsule胶囊,太空舱 into orbit.

In 1973, President Nixon's personal secretary, Rose Mary Woods, told a federal court that she'd accidentally caused part of the 18-and-a-half-minute gap in a key Watergate tape.

In 1975, a federal jury in Sacramento, California, found Lynette Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, guilty of trying to assassinate President Ford.

In 1986, President Reagan appointed a commission headed by former Senator John Tower to investigate his National Security Council staff in the wake of紧紧跟随,随着……而来 the Iran-Contra affair.

Ten years ago: Hungary held a national referendum公民投票,请示书 in which voters decided that the country's next president would be chosen by parliament, following free elections.

Five years ago: Thirty clergymen were elevated提拔 to the rank of cardinal红衣主教 in a Vatican ceremony presided over by Pope John Paul the Second. Margaret Garrish, a 72-year-old Detroit woman, committed suicide in the presence of Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

One year ago: In the first speech ever by a British prime minister to an Irish parliament, Tony Blair predicted预言 that Northern Ireland's troubled peace accord would ultimately work because of a strengthened cooperative spirit uniting Britain and Ireland. In India, at least 211 people died when two trains collided in the northern state of Punjab.

