
On the 1st, put on your mittens and your wool cap and sit yourself down on a sled at the top of a hill, then push off! Let the thrills begin! On the 4th and 5th, go ahead and take a step back to check out the hillside. Is it covered in new-fallen powder? A dirty gray slush? Is there any snow at all? Are those rocks you see? Assess the sledding situation before you hike up to the hilltop -- a cool eye is as important as a steady hand, you know. On the 9th, whether you're building a snowman, a snowwoman or an igloo -- or repainting the living room and telling someone how much you love them -- get creative. Your keyword on the 11th and 12th is: housecleaning. And it doesn't necessarily apply to your house (but it could). By the 13th, you're feeling brand-spanking-new, and just about everything is going great. The 14th is more of the same. On the 19th, don't be too shocked if you come up with a really deep insight or two into something like, say, the meaning of life. Sometimes you just hit on something great! By the 22nd, you could be the recipient of a very public congratulations message. Great! On the 28th, you're ready to coast a little. Go for it. On the 31st, reflect, resolve and then ... go to a party!