

分类: 趣味英语 


如何表达“鼻烟壶” 如何表达“鼻烟壶”

portrait of the queen on the front            three Chinese characters of "Kang Er Shou" on the back

请看《人民日报》相关报道:When the whole Britain is looking forward to the official celebration of the Queen's 80th birthday, a snuff bottle with the Queen's portrait painted on its inside by a Chinese artist was presented here on Wednesday as a special gift.

The bottle portrait was done by Zhang Zenglou, one of the most prominent artists specializing in snuff bottle painting, known as inside-painting.

报道中的snuff bottle就是闻名于世的工艺制品“鼻烟壶”。Snuff原指用力“吸气”,可引申为“(吸)鼻烟”,如:My father used to take snuff.(我父亲过去常吸鼻烟。)另外,若snuff和介词out连用,常常用来指代“死去”、“扼杀”,例如:Greedy heirs waited for the old man to snuff out. (贪心的继承人只待着老头断气。)

Snuff bottle(鼻烟壶)是工艺制品中的一朵奇葩,它将玉石、水晶、玛瑙、瓷等与绘画和书法艺术结合,被雅士们视为珍贵文玩。据传,鼻烟的原料是优质烟草,它最初被印第安人视为神圣的祭品。1492年,哥伦比亚发现新大陆后,烟草和鼻烟开始在世界各地传播。鼻烟壶最早由意大利教士利玛窦带入中国,而中国自制鼻烟壶则始于清朝初年。

请看一个例句:Snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folk craft,which first appeared in China in the mid17th century. What makes a snuff bottle special is not its practical use but that it is painted on the inside.(鼻烟壶是中国传统民间工艺品,最早出现在17世纪中期。鼻烟壶的价值不在于其用途,而在于其内画艺术。)

