

分类: 趣味英语 
据西昌卫星发射中心消息,我国首个自主研制的探月卫星“嫦娥一号”定于24日下午18时05分发射。目前“嫦娥一号”已完成最后检查测试,进入燃料加注发射阶段。从24日凌晨6时开始,将一直向火箭加注燃料,补充添加到点火前4分钟。那么我们熟悉的“发射”这个词怎么说呢?请看《中国日报》的报道:The nation's first moon orbiter is scheduled to blast off at around 6 pm tomorrow from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan Province."It will be launched between October 24 and 26 and our first choice is around 6 pm on October 24," Li Guoping, spokesman for the China National Space Administration said.The sky in Xichang turned blue and the sun shone brightly on Monday after more than 10 days of rain. But if the launch cannot be carried out for any reason before Friday, the lunar orbiter will have to wait till next April for a suitable launch window to blast off, according to chief commander of the carrier-rocket system.国家航天局发言人李国平宣布:中国首个月球探测器———嫦娥一号卫星,计划于10月24-26日在西昌卫星发射中心择机发射,首选发射窗口为24日18时左右。在连续10天的阴雨天气过后,降雨在周一基本停止,西昌当地天空开始放晴。但负责运载火箭发射的总指挥指出,假使周五前条件仍不允许发射,则只好等到明年4月再择机发射了。“发射”有多种说法,可以说“blast off 点火起飞”;“take off 起飞”;“lift off (火箭, 导弹等)发射” ;“to launch 发射(导弹,火箭)”等。与之相关的词汇有:月球探测器发射 Lunar orbiter set to blast off探月计划 the moon exploration project探月计划三阶段绕月Circling the moon登月Landing on the moon返回地球 Return to Earth

