
关于排队“加塞” 老外有话说

分类: 趣味英语 


Queuing, the great British pastime, is just as time-consuming as you had always suspected. On average, we spend 33 minutes a week standing in queues.


But we are becoming increasingly impatient. In a survey of 1,000 adults, one third admitted they had queue-jumped. 36 per cent of men admitted they had pushed in front of other people, compared with 26 per cent of women.


Waiting for the toilet was the most stressful queue, according to the survey. The second most unhappy time was queuing for a doctor's appointment, followed by waiting in an airport lounge.


Road tailbacks are possibly the most blood-pressure heightening delays of all. Time wasted in jams is rising by about 5 per cent a year.


Professor Cary Cooper, an American-born psychologist who is head of organizational psychology at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, said," The culture of queuing is changing in Britain. You're becoming more like the Americans--more intolerant, more impatient. We lead increasingly frenetic lives and that freneticism makes us more driven, more time-conscious."


