
放假就得“休闲病” leisure sickness

分类: 趣味英语 

工作压力太大、生活节奏太紧张的时候,大家都会渴望假期。可是,等假期真正到来的时候,想睡懒觉却睡不着了,什么活都不干却落得腰酸背疼,看到垂涎已久的美食也兴奋不起来。这到底是怎么了?难道是得了leisure sickness(休闲病)?

Leisure sickness has been identified by the Dutch psychologist Professor Ad Vingerhoets of Tilburg University. Its symptoms can include nausea, fatigue, headaches, and recurrent infections that appear whenever the stress of the working week is suddenly removed, either at the weekend or at the beginning of holidays.

Leisure sickness(休闲病)是由荷兰蒂尔堡大学心理学教授Ad Vingerhoets命名的。其症状包括恶心、疲惫、头痛以及重复感染等,周末或假期初期工作压力刚解除的时候,这些症状就会出现。

The other sort of leisure sickness is found among men and women who have become tired of the rat race and who have downshifted to enjoy a quieter life, only to find themselves suffering from these recurrent minor illnesses plus boredom and depression.


