
动力不足综合症 underload syndrome

分类: 趣味英语 

近些年,我们经常会听到人们说起“亚健康”这个词,说是现在大多数上班族都或多或少有些亚健康状态,而且多是压力太大引起的。可是,有研究发现人在缺少压力的情况下,身体也是会不舒服的,这种状态叫做underload syndrome,你听说过吗?

Underload syndrome refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation at work.

动力不足综合症(underload syndrome)指因为工作上缺少挑战或动力而出现的身体欠佳或抑郁的状态。

Boredom has exactly the same effect on the body as stress. People who lack stimulation in their working lives are likely to be depressed and suffer from "underload syndrome". The most common health complaints triggered by underload syndrome are headaches, fatigue and recurrent infections; it is also a cause of mild depression.


