
fur kid 宠物孩子

分类: 趣味英语 

晚饭后在小区散步,总能看到很多宠物家庭的成员也在散步,小猫、小狗居多。有时候小狗淘气跑远了,主人就会特别亲切地喊:“宝宝,快回妈妈这儿来!”这样的情况好像在全世界都比较普遍了,所以英语里面也就出现了对应的说法,管这些被当成孩子来养的宠物叫fur kid。

Fur kid refers to a pet treated as though it were one's child.
宠物孩子(fur kid)指被主人当成孩子来对待的宠物。

The term fur kid, of course, takes people beyond the treatment of the animal as a mere companion and into the realm of surrogate kid-hood. Now the animal guardians can apply their hyper-parenting skills to their dogs, cats, and other four-legged members of the family.

“Fur kid”这个说法的出现使得人们对这些动物的态度不再限于“伙伴”这个层面,而是进入到了让宠物代替孩子的阶段。如今,动物卫士们可以把他们超强的育儿技能用在他们的猫猫狗狗以及其他四条腿的家庭成员身上了。

That some of them are doing this is further evidenced by the fact that a number of synonyms for fur kid exist, including fur baby and fur child.

像fur baby、fur child等与fur kid类似表达的大量出现说明很多宠物主人们都在把动物当成孩子来养。

