
open-collar worker 自由职业者

分类: 趣味英语 
An  open-collar worker  refers to a person who does jobs at home that once required an office setting.Open-collar worker(字面意思为“开领工人”)指把家当办公室,在家里上班的人,即“自由职业者”。Home-based entrepreneurship is attracting growing numbers of recruits to its ranks. These "open-collar workers" come from a variety of backgrounds: lifelong entrepreneurs, homemakers, downsized workers, graduate students, stay-at-home parents, homebound disabled people and retirees. But their goals are similar: to be their own bosses, work flexible hours and devote their efforts to projects they love.家庭创业正在吸引越来越多的人加入。这些“开领工人”的背景各不相同:有资深企业家、家政工人、被裁员工、刚毕业的学生、居家父母、不宜外出的残疾人以及退休人员,等等。不过,他们的目标是一样的:做自己的老板,工作时间灵活,还能花精力做自己喜欢的事情。

