
Mappie 媚皮族

分类: 趣味英语 

The acronym mappie stands for Mature, Affluent, Pioneering People and has been coined to describe a growing social group of active, fun-loving fifty- and sixty-somethings.

Mappie(中文译作“媚皮族”)是成熟(Mature)、富有(Affluent),有开创精神的人(Pioneering People)这几个词的英文缩写形式,用来指代五、六十岁,精力充沛,喜欢玩乐的老年人群体。

Far from suffering empty nest syndrome, mappies are keen to embrace new projects when their children leave home. They are au fait with the latest technology, love travelling to farflung places and are happy to splash out on some of life's luxuries.


In Sweden, where the term originated, mappies have their own magazine which defines them as older people "who have time and money and want to spend them".


