
Russian Doll present 套娃式礼物

分类: 趣味英语 
Russian Doll present is a gift that's been wrapped multiple times, causing you to rip away layer after layer of paper and wondering when it will finally stop, while the person who gave it to you looks on with a wicked grin. People may feel funny at the first couple of layers, but can get quite tiring soon. 俄罗斯套娃式礼物指那些被包装了好多层的礼物,你得一层一层地揭开包装纸,想着什么时候才能看到礼物,而送礼物的那个人则在一边坏笑着看你拆包装。刚开始几层的时候,人们可能会觉得这样很好玩,不过没多久就会觉得烦了。

