
in-joke 圈内人的幽默

分类: 趣味英语 

An in-joke, also known as an inside joke or in joke, is a joke whose humor is clear only to people who are in a particular social group, occupation, or other community of common understanding; an esoteric joke. It is humorous only to those who know the situation behind it.

In-joke (也叫inside joke或in joke)是只有在同一个社交圈子、职业或者思维理解方式一致的群体内才明白的幽默,即“圈内人的幽默”。只有那些了解事件背景的人才能明白其中的幽默之处。

For example:

We have an in-joke; whenever someone sings a wrong note, they wipe the mistake off their music with an obvious gesture.


