
gayriage 同性婚姻

分类: 趣味英语 
Gayriage refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get 'married', it is a gayriage, while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage. Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。两个男人结婚,这种婚姻就叫gayriage,而两个女人结成的婚姻,就叫lesriage。 In a moral society "marriage" is the union of a male and a female, therefore someone creates another word for the un-natural union of a male to a male or a female to a female. 在社会的道德观中,marriage指的是男性和女性结成的自然婚姻,所以有人就给男性和男性或女性和女性结成的非自然的婚姻造了这样一个新词。

