
Awesomesauce 赞酱

分类: 趣味英语 

Awesomesauce is an informal term describing someone or something as extremely good or excellent.


If you want to describe something as excellent, you can use awesomesauce; on the other side of the coin, anything of a poor or disappointing standard is weak sauce. Weak sauce came first, and has a comprehensible origin as a metaphor; an inadequate sauce would certainly let down an otherwise decent meal. Though awesomesauce clearly comes from the words awesome and sauce, the former is currently beating the latter in the Oxford English Corpus and Oxford Twitter Corpus.

如果你想形容一样东西很棒,你可以用“awesomesauce”;相反,很差劲、令人失望的东西就是“weak sauce(弱酱)”。先出现的是“weak sauce(弱酱)”,这个词是个来源很好理解的比喻:酱汁不够好肯定会让美食变味。虽然“awesomesauce(赞酱)”明显是 “awesome(很赞的)”和“sauce(酱汁)”组合起来,但它现在已经在牛津英语语料库和牛津推特语料库把“弱酱”打败了。

