
tall poppy syndrome 高罂粟花综合征

分类: 趣味英语 

When you work hard, when that work is awarded, when your body and beauty match societal standards, when you check every box, and still everyone tells you you're doing it wrong, that's Anne Hathaway Syndrome.


Hathaway could simply be a victim of what the British call "tall poppy syndrome" -- the bloom that pokes above the others is the first to get cut, according to The New York Times. 


"We love authenticity, that's why we have a billion reality shows," said Neal Gabler, an author of several best-selling books on Hollywood culture and history. "And here comes Anne Hathaway. Everything she does seems managed, calculated or rehearsed. Her inauthenticity - or the feeling of her inauthenticity - is now viral."


