
perfume profiling 香水配对

分类: 趣味英语 

A service increasingly popular with boutiques, perfume profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them. 


Corny as it sounds, finding the right scent can be life-changing. 


Benjamin Paul Mabbett, the maître de consultation said that one client broke down in tears when she found a fragrance that suited her: "I've been smelling of cat's pee for 26 years!" After being guided through choices for an hour, she had picked Lalique's Perles de Lalique (£55). Each time she returned to stock up on it, she reeked of confidence. 


Done in under 20 minutes, a perfume profiling session feels like a personality refitting. The intimate nature of a fragrance to its wearer dictates that the scent be as close as possible a match. Yet, there are always chances of being surprised, based on how your profile is being interpreted.


