
princess sickness 公主病

分类: 趣味英语 

Princess sickness (or princess syndrome; princess disease) is a term to describe a psychological phenomenon affecting young women, especially teenagers, and can be characterized by numerous physiological disorders, including narcissistic personality disorder, egocentrism and histrionic personality disorder, consequently resulting in individuals acting like or believing that they are "princesses". 



Raising nonsensical requests and demands to others 对他人提出无理要求

Advocating materialism 崇拜物质主义

Having extreme emotions 情绪极端

Being self-indulgent, not logical 不合理的自我放纵

Not concerned about social issues 不关心社会问题

Not willing to take any responsibility (to shirk one's duty) 不愿承担责任(逃避责任)

Being self-centered 利己主义

Desiring to be an authority 希望成为权威

Yearning to rely on others 渴望依赖他人

Having a strong sense of self-superiority 极度优越感

