

分类: 影视英语 

Leave it to a bunch of hilarious woodland critters to teach us suburbia-bound humans a few things about living life Over the Hedge...

Over the Hedge (2006)

《越过篱笆墙》森林动物入侵啦!If animals could indeed view their surroundings intellectually and talk to each other, it's entirely possible they'd discuss how screwed up human beings are, especially in the ridiculous way we waste food.

《越过篱笆墙》森林动物入侵啦!But hey, to RJ, a wily raccoon, what we throw away today becomes lunch tomorrow. He tries to impart some of this wisdom to his newfound friends--a motley crew lead by Verne the turtle --after they wake up after a long winter's nap and discover most of their natural habitat has been turned into a housing development, separated by a very tall hedge.

Yep, these woodsy folk are sure in for an eye-opening adventure, as the manipulative RJ convinces the gang to start collecting boxes of cheese doodles, Girl Scout cookies and marshmallows, telling them there is little to fear and everything to gain from their over-indulgent new neighbors. Now, if they can only get rid of that cat...


 hilarious  a. 欢闹的

 critter  n. (谑)生物

 suburbia  n. 郊区,郊区居民

 screw up  v. 搞糟,粗暴地处理

 raccoon  n. 浣熊

 wily  a. 老谋深算的

 impart  v. 传授,告知,透露

 motley  a. 五颜六色的,各种各样的

 turtle  n. 海龟

 nap  n. 小睡,打盹

 habitat  n. (动植物的)栖息地

 yep  adv. (俚)是

 be in for  v. 要遭到,参加

 woodsy  a. 树林中的

 eye-opening  a. 使瞠目结舌的

 manipulative  a. 操纵的,控制的

 indulgent  a. 纵容的

 get rid of  v. 摆脱

