

分类: 影视英语 

班德拉斯:佐罗从穷小子成巨星《佐罗的面具》《佐罗传奇》中那位一身黑衣、行侠仗义的蒙面英雄扮演者是西班牙籍演员安东尼奥-班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas),当初从家乡去马德里谋生的时候,他还是个身无分文的穷小子……

As a young man he went, penniless, to Madrid in order to make a career in the Spanish film industry. He first gained wide attention through a series of films with film director Pedro Almodoevar between 1982 and 1990, and is one of the stars of the three Spy Kids movies (2001-2003). He divorced his Spanish wife Ana Leza and, in 1996, married Melanie Griffith, whom he had met during the shooting of Two Much.

班德拉斯:佐罗从穷小子成巨星With his roles in such films as Interview with the Vampire, The Mask of Zorro, and Frida, Banderas is probably the most famous Spanish actor in America. His role as Puss in Boots in Shrek 2 made him even more popular on the family film circuit, and a spin-off movie starring his character is scheduled for release in 2008.


Madrid  n. (西班牙首都)马德里    penniless  a. 身无分文的
shoot  v. 拍摄,拍电影             Broadway  n. 百老汇
spin-off  n. 副产品   release  n. 发行,发表

vampire  n. 吸血鬼(电影全称《夜访吸血鬼》)
Puss in Boots  n. 靴子里的猫(电影《史莱克2》中角色)

