

分类: 影视英语 
本文是经典爱情电影听力系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第十六段对白。




Anna:According to most accepted social norms, a person should not drink alone after 10 p.m unless they have a good excuse. What's yours?

Kate:Gosh, don't have one.

Anna:I do. My youngest left for college this morning. Marie. One day she's splashing around a wading pool in diapers then she's packing up a Volvo and driving to California. I just hope she knows what she's getting into.

Kate:Don't tell me. Premed?



Morgan:Hey, how are you? Good to see you.

Alex:I'm well, thanks.

Morgan:I want you to meet some friends of mine. Alex, Mona, the Wootch. Susan, Johnny.


Morgan:Let's get you something to drink. Come on. Bar's back here. Come on. Hey, this is Marjorie.

Anna:Why didn't you mention it was today? We would have had a cake for you or something.

Kate:Oh, it's just time passing. I hate making a big deal out of it.

Anna:You keep a lot to yourself. Nothing wrong with it. But I've sometimes wondered what else you have in your life besides work. Family? Boyfriend?

Kate:Well, I did. Once. His name was Morgan.

Anna:Morgan? Morgan. That's a sexy name.


All:Surprise! Happy birthday, Kate. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. We got you.

Morgan:This is Kate, obviously.

Someone:Hi, Kate.

Morgan:This is Alex and Mona. This guy's gonna help us find our lake house. Right?

Alex:You haven't had cake.

Kate:Anyway, well, I ended it. And I'm happy now, and it was the right thing to do.

Anna:So who is it you write to? I couldn't help... every time you get a break at the hospital...you're writing something.

Kate:There is someone. It's kind of a long-distance relationship.

Anna:How did you meet?湖边小屋:我想给他我全部的身心

Kate:We haven't.


Kate:No. The story of my life.

Anna:You're kidding.

Kate:Keep everything at a distance. Everyone. The man who was standing in front of me, the one that wanted to marry me, him, I push away. I run from him. In the meantime, the...the one man I can never meet...him, I would like to give my whole heart to.

Anna:He must write one hell of a letter.

Kate:It's nice. It's safe.

Anna:Christ, he's in prison, isn't he?


Anna:You're one of those women, aren't you?

Kate:No. No, he's just a guy who lives on a lake. He's an architect.


1. social norm:社会规范

2. gosh:感叹词,唉,糟糕

3. diaper:尿布。Anna依然记得小女儿很小的时候摔跤的情景,而现在就要去读大学了。

4. make a big deal out of:小题大做

5. long-distance:长途,远距离。Kate形容和Alex的关系距离很远。

6. You're kidding:美国常用的口语,意思是“你在开玩笑吧”

7. push away:推开

