Better City,Better Life
爱思英语编者按:美国歌手席依达·盖瑞特、乔纳森·巴可神情演唱上海世博会主题歌《Btter City,Btter Life》。该曲由美国作曲家昆西·琼斯(Machael Jackson的恩师)和华人音乐家谭盾共同创作。两位美国歌手的倾情演唱,表达了外国朋友对上海世博会美好的祝福,优美的音乐节奏、独特的舞台表演,唱出了人类“共同的力量将创造更多”、“我们将地球变得更绿”的美好理想,生动地诠释了“城市,让生活更美好”的主题。
We"re gonna see the world together
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city
Gonna heal the world together
Ala nong,nong,nong-better life
We"re gonna teach the world together
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city
gonna bring the world together
La nong,nong,nong-better life
everything that we dream can come true
If we do what we try-you and I
Together we can do much more
Than we could ever do alone
we can make our planet green
Make our water fresh and clean
Oh, ee-bu, ee-bu, ee-bu
We all can rise –better city better life
Teach our children every day and they"II find a better way
education is the key to help us learn from history
Teach our children every day and they"ll find a better way
Education is the key to help us learn from history
We"re gonna see the world together
ala nong,nong,nong-better city
Gonna heal the world together
Ala nong, nong, nong更多信息请访问:
Better city better life