

分类: 趣味英语 

爱思英语编者按:最近一款“毛腿丝袜”火了,女生穿上即可拥有媲美纯爷们的浓密腿毛,能吓跑“咸猪手”,被誉为“防狼神器”。但不少商家表示这款丝袜造型太夸张,口味太重,担心卖不掉而不敢进货。但网络上还是有不少人求购。 真有妹纸敢穿着它出门吗?

The 'hairy leg' stockings designed to help women ward off unwanted male attention

It might seem like the androgynous fashion trend taken too far, but a Chinese company’s new ‘hairy leg’ hosiery hopes to help women ward off unwanted male attention.

A photograph posted to the Shanghai-based website ChinaSMACK shows a model from the waist down wearing the on-trend stockings.

A caption below touts them as the perfect 'summertime anti-pervert' device and 'essential for young girls going out’.

Bizarre: It might seem like the androgynous fashion trend taken too far, but a Chinese company's new 'hairy leg' hosiery hopes to help women ward off unwanted male attention

It does not state where shoppers can find the garment and internet searches prove fruitless.

The image of the tights has triggered hundreds of responses from amused and horrified viewers.

‘Damn, so disgusting!’ commented one.

‘Essential for the subway?’ said another.

One highlighted how the pants could backfire: ‘This will not only prevent against perverts, it’ll definitely also result in preventing handsome guys from approaching you.

The product is reminiscent of a range of textured lace tights released by J.Crew in 2010, which unfortunately made the wearer's legs look furry.

‘When things go to the extreme, they can only go the opposite direction!’

And some suggested that not shaving could be a cheaper alternative.

The product is reminiscent of a range of textured lace tights released by J.Crew in 2010, which unfortunately made the wearer’s legs look furry.

Yahoo wrote of the product: 'Channel your inner hippie! And hey, these tights are probably even warmer than actual leg hair.'

One commentator pointed out that they would be 'great for Halloween, but pretty gross otherwise'.

