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'I'll work out until the end': Heavily-pregnant ballerina on why she is still dancing at 39 weeks and how it benefits her baby


An expectant ballet instructor has been photographed while dancing at 39 weeks pregnant.

Mary Helen Bowers, 34, from New York City, says that her routines have enhanced her pregnancy, and has even inspired her to create a ballet-based pre-natal workout.

The creator of the Ballet Beautiful workout told Elle.com: ‘By continuing to work out and dance while pregnant, I feel a double reward from maintaining my normal routine, but all the while knowing that baby is sharing in my day.’

Ms Bowers is best known for training the Victoria’s Secret Angels and getting Natalie Portman ready for her role in Black Swan. Prior to starting Ballet Beautiful, she danced with the New York City Ballet for over a decade.

She says that dance has helped her maintain body strength, which has alleviated some of pregnancy’s notoriously unpleasant side effects.

‘I’ve avoided back pain and swelling by keeping my core strong and body moving. I feel terrific and plan to work and workout until the end,’ she wrote.

Ms Bowers says that she is physically cautious for the sake of her child, and that her doctor is completely on board with her exercise plan.

Ms Bowers’s pregnancy has even inspired her to create a pre-natal specific Ballet Beautiful workout.

‘[My doctor] is incredibly supportive of me not only continuing with my workout, but also with maintaining my regular routine: running my business, creating a new pre-natal series for BB, the works! Pregnancy can be a really exciting and creative time!’ she said.

In studio portraits and photos posted to her Instagram account, Ms Bowers appears toned, graceful, and at ease with her figure in a series of tight leotards.

Ms Bowers’s biggest piece of advice to active, expecting mothers is not to fight the changes happening in their bodies.

‘My approach has been to embrace the bump and my ever-changing physique,’ she wrote. ‘Rather than fighting the changes in my body, I’m celebrating them and I love seeing other women do the same.’

相关报道:据英国《每日邮报》12月18日报道,美国纽约一位名叫玛丽·海伦·鲍尔斯(Mary Helen Bowers)的34岁芭蕾舞蹈家,怀孕39周仍坚持跳舞,并称自己的练习对怀孕有益,她甚至自创了一套名为“芭蕾之美”的产前运动操。

鲍尔斯说,跳“芭蕾之美”操能帮她保持身体的力量,同时缓解怀孕期间的不适。鲍尔斯在业界十分有名,她曾为“维多利亚的秘密”训练模特,并协助娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)塑造其在奥斯卡获奖影片《黑天鹅》中的角色。怀孕前,鲍尔斯已在纽约市芭蕾舞团跳舞十几年。鲍尔斯说怀孕期间跳舞是件一举两得的事情:“既让我坚持了常规训练,又与宝宝分享了我的生活。”

鲍尔斯说,她打算一直跳下去,直到不能跳舞为止,她的医生也很支持她的行为。鲍尔斯将自己挺着大肚子跳舞的照片上传到了她的“Instagram ”图片分享应用上,身着紧身连衣裤的她健美、优雅、从容。鲍尔斯还说,她对怀孕妈妈们的建议是,希望她们能够积极的接受怀孕时自己变化的身体,不要去抗拒它。

