If we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies? 如果我们想要变得高兴,为什么要像小孩子那样呢? We can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and...
A Lane in the Rain 雨巷 Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,I wander along a longSolitary lane in the rain,Hoping to encounterA girl like a bouquet of l...
All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players on it——Shakespeare世界是个大舞台,所有的男男女女只不过是表演者罢了——莎士比亚...
"Never, never, never, never give up." 永远,永远,永远,永远都不要放弃。"The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are ...
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 悲观主义者从每个机遇中看到困难,乐观主义者从每个困难中看到机...
《但是你没有》的作者是一位普通的美国妇女,她的丈夫在女儿4岁时应征入伍去了越南战场,从此她便和女儿相依为命。后来,她的丈夫、孩子的爸爸不幸阵亡。她终身守寡,直至年老病逝。她的女儿在整理遗物时发现了母亲当年写给父亲的这首诗,题目就是《但是你没有》。Remember the day I borrowed...
The sun fell down, the night became dark little by little, everything around me also became quiet …太阳下山了,夜幕徐徐合拢,四周渐渐平静……The tree says:“Dear land ,than...
A heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻。...
凯特·莱特(Kate Light),美国当代女诗人,纽约城市歌剧院小提琴手,也投身于现代舞和戏剧。1997年以诗集《堕落身体的律法》获得尼古拉斯·诺依里奇诗歌奖。 现代人的爱情是短暂而危险的,仿佛是一场场拳击赛,来得突然,去得也快。虽然曾经有过短暂的幸福之光进入“黯淡的地方”,他们也可以为爱痴狂,然...
Life is sweet.生命是甜美的。...