不过,应该指出,讲英语的人也并非总说狗的好话: You dog!(你这狗东西!) That dog!(那个狗东西!) Son of a bitch!(狗娘养的!)这些都是常说的骂人话。不过这些骂人话并不影响狗的地位。在英国和美国狗仍然是:人之良友”。 对英国人和大部分西方人来说狮子是百兽...
有个美国妇女刚到中国来,不了解中国人对猫头鹰的留法,常戴着她喜爱的猫头鹰别针。她发现人们常停下来看着或指着她的别针,有好几次还问她为什么戴这种别针,她觉得很奇怪;后来有人告诉她中国人对猫头鹰的看法,她才知道戴猫头鹰别针不太合适。 西方人对bat(编幅〕无好感,通常联想到坏特征。英语中有as blin...
河狸主要产于北美洲,在中国很少见。河狸经常积极活动,有啮树筑巢的习性,在筑巢这一方面,河狸有很高的技艺和独创性,因此有eager heaver.(卖力的河狸)之称。在喻义方面eager beaver则指急于做成某事而特别卖力,但有点急躁的人”。这个比喻有时略带贬义,则指为讨好上司做事过于...
先举几个联想相似的例子。 He’s as sly as a fox.He’s foxy. You’ve got to watch him他滑得象个狐狸。他很狡猾。对他你可要当心点儿。) You ass! You stupid ass! How could you ...
(一)动物比喻 汉语和英语中都有大量的比喻,然而,理解另一种语言的比喻往往并不容易。学习英语的学生可能碰上这样的句子:You chicken!” he cried looking at Tom with contempt.(你这个胆小鬼!”他轻蔑地看着汤姆道。)(不是你这只鸡...
This first chapter of your textbook starts with the building blocks of writing: words and simple sentences. A simple sentence includes a subject and a...
This chapter is about how to move past using simple basic sentences into using compound sentences. When sentences are combined they give a natural flo...
As your book tells you, if you put two independent clauses together without proper punctuation, you have made an error called a run-on sentence. Anoth...
So far you have studied how to put two sentences together by coordinating them, that is keeping them equal. Chapter Four explores subordination which ...
As you learned in Chapter Two, sentence variety is crucial to good writing. Using nothing but short simple sentences makes writing seem choppy. You le...