Discussion is an exchange of intelligence. Argument is an exchange of ignorance. 讨论是交换智慧 .争辩是交换无知. Diseases are the interests of pleasures. 疾病是为享乐付出的债...
Dare and diligence bring luck. 大胆又勤奋,定能交好运. Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes. dare it again and again and it will succumb. ...
(二) 颜色的比喻和联想 英语中 green with envy是什么意思?人们忌妒或羡慕时睑色真的变绿或发有吗? 英语中说 Paul was in a blue mood;Paul(保尔)是什么情绪?高兴、激动、悲哀,还是什么? 在上列两句中,green(绿)和blue(蓝)都不指颜色。两个词都有...
(一)动物比喻 汉语和英语中都有大量的比喻,然而,理解另一种语言的比喻往往并不容易。学习英语的学生可能碰上这样的句子:You chicken!” he said looking at Tom with contempt.(你这个胆小鬼!”他轻蔑地看着汤姆道。)(不是你这只鸡&...
1、bird Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚 Fine feathers make fine birds.人要衣装,佛要金装 A little bird told me that you win the prize.消息灵通人士告诉我你得了奖。He is...
Cornered beasts will still fight.困兽犹斗 ,狗急跳墙 Correct the mistakes if you have committed them, and avoid them if you have not.有则改之 ,无则加勉 Couch hard argu...
Civilization is a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.文明是不必要的必需品的无限增加。 Mark Twain 马克 吐温 Cleanliness is next to godliness.清洁仅次于圣洁 Cleve...
Calf love, half love; old love, cold love.童年相爱 ,半是稚气; 老年相爱,爱得深沉Call a spade a spade.是啥说啥,难听不怕 Call me cousin, but cozen me out.与我攀亲可以 ,欺骗我可不行 Call no ...
Better sense in the head than cents in the pocket.口袋里有钱不如头脑里有知识 Better spare to have of thine own than ask of other men.求人不如自己省 Better the devil you k...
Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him.交友前先和他共吃一蒲式耳盐 . /不深知,不结交 Beggars cannot be choosers.乞丐不能挑肥拣瘦D.Heywood 海伍德Beggars do not envy mi...