下文加粗部分的英文成语中都有一个词与一项娱乐活动或体育运动有关。请先读一读下面的小故事,你能猜出这些成语的含义吗? We always knew what our boss, Winona, was thinking. Right off the bat, as soon as she walked...
与鼠”有关的成语1. 洞中之鼠(瓮中之鳖) a rat in the hole—bottled up; trapped2. 鼠目寸光 see only what is under one’s nose; as short-sighted as mice; not ...
The three bills submitted by an industrialist member of the national committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) t...
As we all know, politics can be entertaining, and the entertainment business is full of politics. But when entertainers get into real politics, it rai...
One of the most frequent questions received during my time teaching English would have been, "How can I try and improve my memory for new English...
Call me snobbish but I have never hidden my disappointment with Chinese television. In general, that is. I am not ruling out the occasional decent sho...
Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, held its first labor fair of the lunar new year a few days ago, but the job-seekers gathered there appeared ...
There are many ways to interpret the sex photo scandal of Hong Kong pop stars. But the core of the matter, as I see it, is the wrangling between the l...
Earlier this month the Ministry of Health, in conjunction with 16 other ministries, released an eight-year national plan aimed at tackling youth menta...
中国是筷子的发源地,以筷进餐少说已有3000年历史,是世界上以筷为食的母国。筷子看起来只是非常简单的两根小细棒,但它有挑、拨、夹、拌、扒等功能,且使用方便,价廉物美。筷子还是一种艺术品。历代工匠们用勤劳和智慧打造出不同材质的筷子、为筷子穿上美轮美奂的外衣。In much of Asia, espec...