Ananony mous telephone bidder has paid £467,200 (or about 7,008,000 Yuan) for the black dress made for Audrey Hepburn for her role in the film Breakfa...
Boy band Take That have made theircomebackcomplete with their first UK number one single in more than a decade.'Patience' climbed to the top s...
It was the Hollywood wedding of the year. Heartthrob Tom Cruise married his young bride Katie Holmes in afairytalecastle in Odescalchi near the Italia...
Are you hungry? How about a pizza? Just be careful if you go to Bella Napoli, an Italian restaurant in the Scottish city of Glasgow. If you order a pi...
Most people like usingshort-cuts. We all usually want to get from A to B as quickly as possible and when we want to get our message across to people w...
The Scottish are certain that theyinventedthe game of golf over 500 years ago but the Chinese, the French and even the Dutch have also made suchclaims...
It’s October the 31st, and across Britain and the USA, thousands of children aredressing upasmonsters,ghostsandwitchesand going to theirneighbou...
Can you imagine beingsavagely attackedby a dog? What if the attack was soseverethat your nose, lips and chin were completelydestroyed? How would youfe...
Every week millions of Britons use computers to access the internet but how many of them actuallyknow their ipods from their IMs? Not many it seems.A ...
First Madonna did it and now Kylie's doing it. Two of the world's best knownpop divashave beenbranching out. Instead of performing concerts in...