While fans of the fictional adventures of an English boy wizard are counting the days until the publication of the seventh and final Harry Potter book...
As summertime begins in Britain, people startto feel the urge togo outside to eat. People love to havea picnicwhenever the weather is good enough, esp...
A youngBritish Formula One racing driverhas made history bybreaking recordsfor the best everdebutfor anewcomerto the F1 drivers’ championship.Le...
Most students in the UK leave school orsixth-form collegeat the age of 18 and go to study for three years in a University, but in recent years many st...
This year’s Eurovision Song Contest has been won by a singer from Serbia with a powerfulballadabout anestranged lover. But it was a disappointin...
September is traditionally the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in the UK. It is also the month when children go back to school after their l...
Two Chinese students, who are studying at British Universities, have been awarded prizes for being the best international students in their respective...
Even though she lived more than 200 years ago, the famous EnglishnovelistJane Austen has been in the news a lot recently.The only knownportraitof Jane...
Dogs that can retrieve cash from ATMs and empty washing machines helpdisabled peoplelead more independent lives, but can they also help changedisrupti...
It’s Easter in the UK and the shops are full ofEaster eggs,hot-cross buns and Easter bunnies.Although Easter is widely seen as a Christian festi...