

  • YouTube Orchestra YouTube 乐队

    They had just arrived from all the corners of the world on Sunday but there has been no time for sightseeing.Grammy Award winning musical director Mic...

  • Calorie Counting 食物热量计算

    Sixteen companies - including the fast food chains 快餐连锁店 Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken, several supermarket cafes and caterers (餐饮)服务企业 servi...

  • French Wine in China 法国酒在中国

    Last year it was a Chinese business group that bought up 收购 Chateau la Tour le Grande, a leading Bordeaux vintage 佳酿/美酒。Now the interest is in the oth...

  • The Elephant Angel 大象天使

    The baby elephant, Sheila, was moved out of Belfast Zoo because of fears she might be hit by bombers 轰炸机 during the Belfast Blitz 贝尔法斯特闪电战 of 1941.She...

  • Cheeky Monkey 顽皮的猴子

    The chimp 黑猩猩 at the centre of this study, an alpha male 超南,男人中的男人 in his 30s called Santino, lives at Furuvik Zoo to the north of Stockholm.His war a...

  • Scotland’s Drink Problem 苏格兰的酗酒问题

    Scotland's had a close relationship with alcohol 酒/酒精 for hundreds of years.Scotch whisky 威士忌 generates vast export revenues 巨大的出口收入 and drink has...

  • Student Quiz Scandal 大学生竞赛丑闻

    It's one of Britain's longest-running TV quiz shows, where the best and brightest 尖子/精英 from universities all over the country, compete to sho...

  • Illegal Archaeologists 非法的考古学家

    For many, it's a gentle hobby 嗜好 involving fresh air, patience, and perhaps finding the odd coin left from times gone by 过去的日子.Indeed, the report ...

  • Bumper Chinese Car Sales 中国汽车销售量跃居世界第一

    China's auto market 汽车市场 was the second largest in the world last year, behind the United States.The new data 数据 suggests though that in the first...

  • Emperor Penguins at Risk 南极皇帝企鹅危机

    The emperor penguin is the iconic 具有代表性的 creature of the frozen south. Now for the first time scientists have studied in detail what the future holds ...

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