

  • From activity to activity

    Casey, one of my loyal readers, wrote some time ago asking what "from activity to activity" means without offering an example from which he ...

  • Ethics drive for national curriculum

    It has been a tough week for purists in China.Last week saw the life suspension of champion male back stroke swimmer, Ouyang Kunpeng, shamed for perfo...

  • 似曾相识的“地方”

    在英语中,很多表达都与地点有关。这些表达琅琅上口,生动活泼,并且大多有着自己的故事。下面就为您介绍几个这样的表达,快来看看你和它们是否相识”吧!meet one’s Waterloo 倒霉,受毁灭性打击,灭顶之灾,遭到惨败滑铁卢是一代天骄拿破仑遭受惨败的地方。遭遇滑铁卢,对一...

  • Commentators need to be independent

    Peking University professor Xu Dianqing has apologized to citizens of Shenzhen for his prediction that real estate prices would rise in the past year....

  • Unity, honor central to Chinese ethos

    Today marks the 30-day countdown to the opening of the 29th Olympic Games.The media have reported that state leaders of about 80 countries will come t...

  • Is "learning English on the internet and on TV enough?"

    The other week I received a question from a reader who was interested in becoming a qualified English Teacher. The problem for this college student wa...

  • 西谚中谚配对

    你当然可以根据自己的意思,把一句西谚译成中文,或是把一句中谚译成英文。但是有些中谚和西谚,其言虽异,其意则一,你如果配得起来,不更是佳偶天成”吗?以下所举,就是西谚配中谚的例子。After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴。A friend in need is a f...

  • And he said as much

    Today, I'm going to do a little test on you. I'm going to give examples first and let you guess out the meaning of a common English idiom.I go...

  • Nudist beaches not a big deal

    I never knew China has nudist beaches. Even now, I am still not sure. I have not seen one myself, but then I must confess I have not been to one of th...

  • 18句激励人心的豪情壮语

    1. Money doesn't grow on trees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。 2. I know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。 3. To convert defeat into victory.反败为胜。 4. You...

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