Sentences for Teachers给老师的句子 1.A school can only be excellent when it is filled with outstanding teachers.一个学校因杰出的老师而成为名校。 2.A teacher who is passiona...
6. Mark key thoughts in the margins.I know you were taught not to write in your books, and some books should be kept pristine, but a textbook is for s...
1. Read only the first sentence of a paragraph.If your author is good author, he or she will begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you ...
I like for you to be stillit is as through you are absentand you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch youIt seems as through your eyes ha...
今天是五一国际劳动节,虽然对于我们大多数人劳动节并不用劳动,但我们要记得这个节日所传达的精神,向劳动致敬,向勤勉致敬,向辛勤工作致敬!来看看名人眼中劳动的价值吧。I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that th...
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,要摘玫瑰得趁早,Old time is still a-flying:岁月催人老:And this same flower that smiles today花儿今天在含笑,Tomorrow will be dying明天就会残凋。Th...
英语学习中,应努力提高听力。这样可以借助听觉,大量、快速地复习学过的单词和词组, 并在此基础上扩大知识面,更多地掌握同一词 的不同用法,提高阅读速度与理解能力。下面,笔者根据自己近两年的实践,与英语自学者谈谈在提高听力方面的点滴体会。第一,自身准确的发音。自身准确地道的英语发音不能让你在听力上面无往...
Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher. This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time a...