如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。例句We’re going to be in deep water if the bank can’t authorize our loan.I'll be in deep water u...
不雨则已,一雨倾盆”,形容坏事不来则已,一来则不止。It never rains but it pours 和中国成语里的祸不单行”意思一样。例句We had nothing to do for weeks, then suddenly we have all this wo...
The bare bones 的意思是某事或某情况的梗概、基本要素、重要部分。例句Only the bare bones of the house were left after the tornado. All you could see were the walls and parts of t...
短语 in a spin 指同时发生许多情况时晕头转向、不知如何是好。例句The whole team was in a spin when their best player got a red card and was sent off.My head's in a spin - I...
短语soaked to the skin的意思是全身湿透了”,像落汤鸡一样。例句It's pouring with rain out there. I'm soaked to the skin!We went to see Niagara Falls on our tri...
在形容某人是 under a cloud 的时候意思是此人受到别人的怀疑,认为此人做了什么错事或被卷入了非法活动。例句After 20 years at the company, Simon left suddenly under a cloud.Money was stolen from Jane...
若说某个局面是 black and white, 那意思就黑白分明,很容易判别错与对。例句I'm really sure about some things. I think free education for all is a black and white issue.The ques...
欣喜若狂”,汉语成语,意思是形容高兴、兴奋到了极点。可以翻译为go [be] wild with joy,be as happy [joyful] as a lark或be in ecstasy”等。例句:我获得奖学金时父亲欣喜若狂。My father was in ecst...
慢条斯理”,汉语成语,形容说话做事慢腾腾,不慌不忙。可以翻译为in a leisurely manner,unhurried and unperturbed,或very slow and unperturbed”等。例句:他说话做事总是慢条斯理的。He always spea...
短语 the icing on the cake 蛋糕上的糖衣”的意思是使一件原本己经很好的事物变得更好,锦上添花。例句It is great to see my team in the final. And now I've got tickets to watch the m...