London has a new mayor, after its citizens voted in the Conservative Party candidate Boris Johnson, ahead of Labour's Ken Livingstone.Well-known f...
Sex and the City was a very popular TV show that ran from 1999 to 2004. It was a romantic comedy drama based on the semi-autobiographical New York new...
Flags are flying at half-mast across China.China is coming to the end of an official period of mourning for those who died in last week's earthqua...
Fans of James Bond have been thrilled with the release of the new Bond book Devil May Care, which was published on 28th May 2008.Ian Fleming was the c...
What does the word dragon make you think of?The chances are, if you are thinking of a Chinese dragon or 'long', you will think of a long serpe...
The Queen has celebrated her official birthday with the Trooping the Colour parade in central London.Thousands of spectators joined the Queen and the ...
Do you ever feel sick of your life?Then why not sell it?This is exactly what one man is attempting to do following the breakdown of his marriage.Ian U...
Zheng Jie yesterday became the first Chinese singles player to get through to the semi-final of a major tennis competition.She beat 18th seed Nicole V...
To trace the origins of the modern Olympic Games we must travel back nearly 3,000 years in time to Ancient Greece, when young men proved their physica...
In May building work began on the massive Olympic Park in east London, the site of the 2012 Games.As well as being the venue for many events during th...