In a CBS Evening News special series "Primary Questions," news presenter Katie Couric asked 12 United States presidential candidates, "...
Just imagine if Jesus Christ was born in modern China. The story would go something like this.A young migrant couple leaves their dirt-poor rural area...
I know a lot of people don't agree with me, but I've always believed in the necessity of building a Grand National Theater in China. Yes, in t...
2007年12月27日,巴基斯坦前总理、巴人民党主席贝娜齐尔•布托遇刺身亡,至今谜雾重重。面对国内反对党的指责,巴总统穆沙拉夫只得向英国求援,由英国苏格兰场(Scotland Yard,伦敦警察局)派遣专家前往巴基斯坦协助调查。2008年1月4日,伦敦警察局派遣的6人专家团抵达巴首都伊斯兰...
During the trial of suspects believed to be responsible for a mine blast that killed 105 people on December 5 last year in Hongtong county, Shanxi pro...
Eleven years ago, I took a train from Shanghai to Beijing during the Spring Festival rush, known as chunyun. I got a ticket in a hard-seat car, no oth...
It was a disaster for the whole nation. It was a challenge to the Chinese people's willpower. We have stood the test and will triumph over it, tho...
中国是筷子的发源地,以筷进餐少说已有3000年历史,是世界上以筷为食的母国。筷子看起来只是非常简单的两根小细棒,但它有挑、拨、夹、拌、扒等功能,且使用方便,价廉物美。筷子还是一种艺术品。历代工匠们用勤劳和智慧打造出不同材质的筷子、为筷子穿上美轮美奂的外衣。In much of Asia, espec...
Earlier this month the Ministry of Health, in conjunction with 16 other ministries, released an eight-year national plan aimed at tackling youth menta...
There are many ways to interpret the sex photo scandal of Hong Kong pop stars. But the core of the matter, as I see it, is the wrangling between the l...