Samsung over the past few years has never been afraid to take shots at Apple in the media. More often than not, Samsung ads tend to poke fun at Apple&...
Microsoft is launching a product today to make it easier to update your resume. Resume Assistant is a new feature in Microsoft Word that will use Link...
Today in the improbable but not impossible, fans believe that Taylor Swift, her frenemy Katy Perry, and her ex Harry Styles will all be performing at ...
How do you improve your conversation skills?怎样提升沟通技巧? 获得51.6k好评的回答@Karim Elsheikh:Here are 7 ways to improve your conversation skills that have helped...
说到电视机想必大家都见过,但收音机有人知道但不一定会用吧。现在的网络条件比之前好,以至于现在很多年轻人都忽视了收音机,下面来看看今天的双语故事短文:收音机和电视机。Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions o...
国王有两个孩子:法瑞克斯和赫勒,这两个孩子看不到后母残忍对待,当可怜的孩子要被斩首时,他们被上帝派来的公羊给救了,接下来这两个孩子的命运是怎样的呢?下面来看看今天的双语故事短文:金色的羊毛。King Athamus of northern Greece had two children, Phrix...
一位雕塑家塑造了一位可爱的少女雕像每天给她穿衣服、拥抱亲吻它,但他依然单身,一天他到神殿深情祷告祈求赐给他如雕塑一样的妻子,神会允许他的请求吗?他会一直单身下去吗?下面来看看今天的双语故事短文:皮格马利翁。Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was a famous sculptor....
The worst thing you can encounter when you interact with people is your own lack of a base line.人际交往中最不能做的第一件事,就是没有底线。No matter who you are interactin...
如何在短时间内整理好一篇英语演讲呢?不妨从英语小故事开始着手,下面是小编从各大网络搜集并整理英语演讲小故事:聪明的农民,供大家阅读。Uncle Sam doesn’t like farmer. He thinks they are very foolish and only know work on...
英语故事是我们最开始接触英语,培养英语思维与学习的基础,而通过英语演讲小故事不仅让孩子们熟悉故事内容,还能掌握标准发音,更对英语口语有很大的提升,下面我们一起来看看小编为大家推荐的这篇英语演讲小故事: 三个好朋友。One day, a monkey rides his bike near the ...