相遇是一种缘分,世上那么多人,擦肩而过的不计其数,却独独在某个特定时刻上天让我遇上你,并情不自禁爱上你!是的,我愿意为你,生来为你,因为我是你的橡皮。pencil: you know, i'm really sorry.铅笔:我想说,我真的很抱歉。eraser: for what? you ...
爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的密语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同的基础上的。你觉得呢?今天为大家推荐一篇感人肺腑的英文爱情故事,一起来读读吧。He is a mute,Although can understand others speech,Cannot say own...
起名字的最高境界就是人如其名。看过《泰坦尼克号》的童鞋肯定都觉得凯特·温斯莱特把Rose演活了。 剧中的她,就如同Rose的花语一般,热情、奔放,在泰坦尼克号上与Jack邂逅一场美丽、动人的爱情。这或许是每一个女生心目中追求的梦想。 要想像Rose那样找到自己的那个“他”,首先就要有一个既切合自己,...
中国许多传统节日的由来总是有着许多美丽的传说,今天我们要讲的是关于中秋佳节嫦娥奔月的故事,这是一个美丽而又凄婉的传说。下面请跟小编一起感受一下故事的美。Legend says that there were once ten suns in the sky, which made plants wi...
古希腊神话是世界文学艺术宝库里的一朵奇葩,它以浪漫史诗的形式再现了古希腊人的社会面貌和精神生活,滋养了上千年的欧洲文学,对西方文学的发展和繁荣产生了巨大的影响,为人类的文明留下了丰富的精神遗产。下面是一则经典的古希腊神话故事,一起来看一下吧。Midas,son of the Great Goddes...
David and Victoria Beckham crash the set of Modern Family with their kids酷了,小贝一家探班摩登家庭剧组Mum Victoria looked very excited as she captioned her Instagra...
Why are some very smart people so quiet?为什么有些聪明人很安静? 获得135.1k好评的回答@Barnard Law Collier:Smart people are quiet because they are smart, very smart, and ...
If you're a Harry Potter fan, you might like this house. You might like it anyway. It's quite good.如果你是哈利波特的粉丝,你会喜欢这个房子。你肯定会喜欢这个房子,因为它实在很赞。De ...
An eight-member jury has sided with Taylor Swift in her countersuit against a fired radio DJ in Denver who is now forced to pay the singer a symbolic ...
Facebook has been secretly testing an app in China called Colorful Balloons脸书在中国秘密放飞“彩色气球”?In May, Facebook quietly launched a photo-sharing app calle...