Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather日...
There's Actually a Huge Limitation to The Mediterranean Diet事实上,地中海饮食的局限性非常大If you've spent any amount of time reading up on healthy foods tha...
在学习或生活中遇到困难时,你是寻求他人帮助还是祈祷神灵呢?今天的故事的主角是如何选择的呢?一起来看看吧:A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.一名车夫赶着货车沿着一条非常泥泞的小路前行。Suddenly the w...
今天的英语谚语故事给大家来点历史科普小知识。亚历山大大帝--大家都知道的吧。他可是世界古代史上著名的军事家和政治家、是欧洲历史上最伟大的四大军事统帅之首。他在短短的13年时间里创下了前无古人的辉煌业绩,而现在我们要来读一篇关于亚历山大大帝的故事,有兴趣的同学赶紧看起来吧;Alexander the ...
谭咏麟在2004年发行的专辑《天地》中有首歌特别的流行,那就是刀郎作词作曲的《披着羊皮的狼》,而今天我们说的《披着羊皮的狼》它不是一首歌,而是一则短小精悍的故事。A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant she...
The Despicable Me franchise has overcome Shrek to become the highest-grossing animated franchise of all time.电影《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me)成功超越《怪物史瑞克》(Shrek)...
Queen Elizabeth II Enjoys Not One, But FOUR Alcoholic Drinks Every Single Day女王一天要喝4杯酒?!For Queen Elizabeth II, it’s always five o’clock somewhere. He...
Bad news for the enormous Venn diagram of people who watch Disney movies and subscribe to Netflix: Disney is going to stop supplying its movies to the...
A local councillor for Oxford has described the city as “tourist hell” in the summer months.牛津当地的一位议员把夏天的牛津称为“游客地狱”。Mary Clarkson, a Labour councillor...
Modern Family co-creator Steven Levitan has confirmed plans to end the series with its tenth season.美剧《摩登家庭》的联合主创Steven Levitan打算将在第十季迎来整部剧的大结局。ABC re...