Thecast of the next Avengers movie is a little bigger than previously known.下一部《复仇者联盟》的演员阵容比我们之前所知道的还要庞大。13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford has fi...
Justin Bieber feels empty sometimes, an insider tells PEOPLE.知情人向《人物》杂志透露到,贾斯汀·比伯时而会感到空虚。“Justin has his up and down days like everyone else. He feels...
这些年,我们一起追过的《速度与激情》《速度与激情》已经出了第八部,相信大家对它不陌生了。那么,大家有没有留意过它的英文名呢?当然,有些人会说,不就是Speed and Passion吗?其实,英语君第一次回答老师这个问题的时候,也是回答了Speed and Passion。不过,《速度与激情》的英文...
1. Put your phone down1.放下手机Maintaining eye contact when someone is talking will help build trust because it shows genuine interest, but that’s hard t...
如果你喜欢《速度与激情》里的杰森·斯坦森那么,你一定不能错过这部1998年的老片。它就是《两杆大烟枪》Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels《两杆大烟枪》这部电影成本不算高,但却叫好又叫座,取得了巨大的商业成功,并且还培养出了一众后来的男神级演员。Based on a...
Japan's Princess Ayako married commoner Kei Moriya on Monday at the famous Meiji Shrine in Tokyo Monday. Around 1,000 supporters showed up to chee...
Hi,大家好,上一期的 欢迎大家来找茬:英式英语和美式英语用语的不同(一),不知道大家还喜欢不?今天,英语君继续为大家带来第二波——欢迎大家来找茬:英式英语和美式英语用语的不同(二),是不是很期待呢? Let's get started~1.英式:Cheers 美式:Thanks/Goo...
Sean Bean has revealed that a Game of Thrones special, featuring past and present cast members, has been filmed.肖恩·宾透露,聚齐了过去和现在的演员阵容的《权力的游戏》特辑已经拍摄完成。T...
When a “commoner“ marries into the royal family, it's pretty much a given that we're all going to be obsessed with them.当一个“普通人”嫁入英国王室,这便足以让我们...